Tuesday, March 29, 2022

How to Find and Communicate Your Unique Selling Proposition

A unique selling proposition, or USP, differentiates your business from your competitors. It helps you stand out and is why customers decide to buy from you over competitors.

In online markets, where there are many competitors, it’s essential to stand out. USPs identify your target market, why your business exists, and how you want to impact the world uniquely. 

The USP is the intersection between what your customers want and what your business does well. What you sell doesn’t always have to be unique, but the message you focus on does. 

Finding Your Unique Selling Proposition 

Finding your USP can be challenging. The following tips should help: 

  • List your differentiations. Make a list of what differentiates you from your competitors. Be as specific as possible. Brainstorm as many options as possible.

  • Research competition. Research your competitors. Find out who they are and their USPs. Find the gaps to see your niche. Identify the target market’s pain points. How can your business uniquely help them?

  • Quality or price. These are the two main ways your business can stand out. If your USP is based on quality, perhaps focus on your product’s superior materials or ingredients, craftsmanship, or uniqueness. If your USP is based on price, advertise the lowest price guaranteed, price matching, free shipping, bulk discounts, or special offers.

  • A/B testing. After brainstorming, perhaps your company has come up with two potentially good USPs. To find which one is better, utilize A/B testing to determine which one generates a better customer response.

  • Create a positioning statement. An example, from Shopify: [Your brand] offers [product/service] for [target market] to [value proposition]. Unlike [the alternative], we [key differentiator].

Communicate Your Unique Selling Proposition 

Because your USP draws customers to buy from you over your competitors, it must be communicated effectively. It shouldn’t be complicated, but it should be memorable.

You can use many platforms to make sure customers know your USP. 

  • Banners. Low cost and effective, when placed in a high traffic area with a compelling design, banners will catch the eye of customers.

  • Flyers. These are easy to hand out and better target your ideal audience. Share with customers who’ve already bought from you or those who fit your target audience.

  • Social media. Depending on who you’re trying to connect with, various platforms will better enable you to reach your target audience. There are many possibilities, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and TikTok.

  • Search marketing. When people type words into a search engine platform such as Google, Yahoo, or Bing, you want your business to be at the top of the list. Search marketing includes strategies you can utilize to get you to the top. That way, when customers search for the product you sell, you’ll rise above your competitors, leading to more sales. Make sure your USP is prominently displayed on your home page. 

Effectively advertising your USP will boost sales. 

Unique Selling Proposition Examples 

Sometimes the best explanations are through examples. The market for shoes is crowded and competitive. But by having a unique selling proposition, the following companies can stand out and generate sales by appealing to customers’ values. 

  • Zappos’ unique selling point is free returns with their online store. This helps reduce customers’ risk aversion, translating into more sales. It also shows that Zappos is willing to stand by their shoes, attesting to the quality.

  • Toms Shoes’ unique selling point is that they donate to a child in need for every shoe the customer buys. This will make the customer feel as if they are doing a good deed by purchasing a shoe. They’ll feel good because of their new shoe and knowing that someone in need has a new shoe too.

  • Nike’s unique selling point is the best quality shoes for athletes, which is communicated by sponsorships with star athletes. The customers look up to star athletes, and they begin to associate Nike with star athletes and, therefore, success. When they’re looking for a high-quality shoe, they’ll think of Nike. 

Your unique selling proposition helps your business stand out from your competitors. It answers the question, “Why should I buy from you?” Your sales will go up once you have a compelling answer to that question. 

Friday, March 25, 2022

Using Direct Mail to Promote Your Website

Both direct mail—the printed word—and websites are essential in promoting your business.

So, how does it work? What’s the secret to using direct mail to promote your online presence? Let’s take a look.

Don’t rely on Google to sell your site to anyone. Just because you have a website doesn’t mean you will become an overnight success. There are so many websites and businesses competing for consumers’ attention that you will need a little more help than just having a site.

As Barry Fieg, author of “Streetwise Low-Cost Web Site Promotion” says, “Google doesn’t care about your sales. Nor does Google help you target your market.”

Fieg says two things have to happen: First, you need to get people to your site. Second, you need to convert them from surfers to buyers. And, according to studies, you have about seven seconds to grab peoples’ attention.

And this is where direct mail comes in.

Direct mail can lead people directly to your site.

Direct mail prepares prospects and clients for what they are about to see on your site.

You can tease them with a little bit of information in the direct mailer. Then, you can elaborate on it when they go to your website. You could show people the details of your product, give a tour of your business, or show options that you offer in real-time.

Direct mail allows you to target the exact people you want to reach. 

You can pinpoint your audience, send direct mail to them, and lead them right to your site online.

Direct mail is like a personal invitation to your guests to see what you offer and to buy it online. Most people actually appreciate the fact that you sent them something directly in the mail, versus in a quick email, and it has more of a personal touch.

Direct mail allows recipients to engage with you on their time.

If you send out postcards, you allow customers to carry that information with them until they sit down in front of the computer.

Postcards are convenient, catchy, and direct. It doesn’t take long to get someone to punch in your website address now that it’s in their hand. And if your direct mail is creative, it will grab people’s attention right away.

Direct mail is preferred over email.

People get lost in hundreds of emails a day and often delete them without truly looking them over.

But direct mail is different. It is tangible, and it gets noticed.

Successful businesses realize that there needs to be more than just an online presence; direct mail is the transition from advertising to buying. In a recent Info Trends study, people actually preferred direct mail three times as much as receiving emails.

Direct mail is cost-effective.

Direct mail is cheaper than radio ads, which disappear in 30 seconds, and it has a longer shelf-life than TV ads.

Direct mail can be read over and over, even if it’s just sitting on a desk, and it commands attention.

No matter what your direct mail is—whether it’s postcards, catalogs, brochures, flyers, or other items—the tangible mail is worth the extra effort to drive people to your website. You can’t rely only on search engines to bring you virtual traffic.

If you need fresh, new ideas, we are here to help make you even more successful. Reach out today!

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Decrease Clutter for a Happier, Healthier, More-Productive You

Clutter can be detrimental to your success.

A messy desk and office may seem normal, but it is a problem that can make you less successful.

According to the National Association of Professional Organizations, paper clutter is the number 1 problem for most businesses. Studies show the average person wastes 4.3 hours per week searching for papers, which not only adds stress and frustration, but it also deters concentration and creative thinking.

Studies also show that 75% or more of all physician visits are stress-related, so when you unclutter your office, you will not only increase productivity, security, and profits but reduce overall stress and medical care costs.

Stop the Clutter

Here are a few ideas on stopping the clutter and getting organized practically.

  • Make a commitment to getting clutter under control. Make an appointment with yourself daily and weekly. Every night before you go home, unclutter your desk so that 80% of your desk shows. Every week, pick a day to organize your desk a little longer.

  • Get rid of anything on your desk that you don’t use regularly. This is the first step to uncluttering your office area.

  • Limit the number of personal items, such as photographs and knick-knacks. Try to stick with one or two items so you don’t get distracted and to free up more space.

  • Instead of dumping papers in piles on the desk, use a desktop organizer and color-coded files. Be diligent about filing when new papers come into your office. If you get behind a little, try to end the day by organizing them into the appropriate folders.

  • Try to handle emails and papers only once. Decide how to respond right away, so you don’t have to rethink it and stash it somewhere on your desk.

  • Have permanent places to store ink cartridges and other office supplies so you can easily see what you need and what you already have. When things get messy, it’s easy to re-purchase items because you aren’t aware you already have them.

  • Shred old papers that are no longer needed. This is a great way to stay on top of the clutter.

  • Try to eliminate sticky notes, as they make things messy and cluttered. Make files on the computer if you need to recall something. Or have a notebook with passwords and other important information you may need.

No matter if your desk and office are slightly messy or are disaster areas, learning to unclutter will help ease your mind and make you more efficient. At our printing firm, we get things done efficiently and professionally. We are here to help you stay on top of your latest projects. Reach out today!

Friday, March 18, 2022

10 Ways to Get People to Respond to Your Marketing Efforts

Marketing takes time and money to execute well, which means it needs to hit the mark and provide a good return on investment.

Here are ten ways to ensure your marketing efforts get the response you’re looking for. 

1. Find your target market.

It’s great to think that your business is for everyone, but it’s also unrealistic.

Marketers need to focus on the correct gender, age, profession, and so forth. That way, you know how to “talk” to them. Keep it real, and focus on who actually walks in your doors.

2. Point out the advantage of doing business with you.

Do your clients get freebies or a discount? Or maybe they get a free consultation?

Focus on the items that will get your prospects and clients to your door quicker. Offer them something unique that other people can’t get. If you target your market with direct mail, you can send specific offers to people you want to reach.

3. Find your niche and focus on it.

What makes your company special? How are you different from the competition? Show people how your company is doing business in a new, innovative way.

4. Target repeat customers.

Remember to target repeat customers rather than always looking to acquire new ones.

Clever marketing gurus find ways to include repeat customers and entice them to come back.

5. Follow up on your marketing.

Use a calendar to track when certain people have received their direct mail piece or other marketing, and then call on them.

Sometimes they just need an extra push along the way to get a hold of you.

6. Be personal with your marketing.

Make sure your target market feels special and knows you appreciate them and all their needs.

People are more likely to engage with advertising that they feel has been specifically tailored to them.

7. Create a hybrid campaign.

Direct mail is critical to most businesses’ success, but you’ll need to combine your efforts across multiple channels in today’s digital age. Use direct mail to point people to your website and online presence.

8. Test your marketing.

Rather than going all out right away, test your marketing on a small sample size.

Try mailing a small batch of direct mail to targeted customers. Then track it to see its efficacy before sending out the large campaign.

9. Use data points in your marketing.

Be sure to include codes on your promotional items so you can track your success. This will allow you to hone your advertising message and format to be more accurate.

10. Be patient.

While, of course, you want immediate responses, sometimes waiting is necessary to see if your efforts are working.

Remember that direct mail takes longer than clicking on a banner ad online. But the effort you put into your marketing will not go unnoticed.

Hone your advertising today with high-quality printing!

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Reduce Work-Related Burnout with These Action Steps

Burnout is extreme fatigue often caused by work-life imbalance and a lack of social support.

According to Ohio State University, burnout can cause extreme physical and mental exhaustion and has been connected with many health risks, including early mortality, depression, coronary heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. 

Certain personality traits, such as pessimism, perfectionism, and type A tendencies, may be more at risk for burnout. According to Forbes, in a survey of 1,500 U.S. workers in 2021, 52% of respondents said they were experiencing burnout. 

Luckily, both employees and employers can take actions to reduce work-related burnout. 

Actions Employees Can Take to Reduce Burnout 

1. Be Honest with Your Employer

Be transparent with your boss to figure something out. Find positives within your job and practice gratitude by daily finding something about your job for which you’re grateful. Sometimes you just need to take a break and return with a rejuvenated mindset.

2. Find Activities that Fill You with Energy 

“You often feel tired, not because you’ve done too much, but because you’ve done too little of what sparks a light in you,” inspirational speaker Alexander Den Heijer said. 

It’s not always possible to avoid doing things that suck the energy out of you. But you must find something that you genuinely enjoy, something that leaves you feeling energized. 

It’s okay if you don’t know of any activities right now. Think back to activities you enjoyed in the past. Be adventurous and try out some new activities. Make these activities that ‘spark a light in you’ a priority in your life by planning them into your schedule. 

3. Find a Support Group 

Eventually, everyone struggles.

These moments don’t feel quite as debilitating when you’re surrounded by supportive people. Perhaps you already have a support group through friends, family, and/or activities. If so, work on being more comfortable reaching out for help when needed. 

If you don’t have a support group, try your best to find or create one. Go to events. Connect with people through mutually shared interests. Be a little bit vulnerable and adventurous. 

Employees can only do so much to reduce work-related burnout. Employers should also be aware of burnout and actions to help their employees. 

Actions Employers Can Take to Alleviate Employee Burnout 

1. Hire Great Managers 

Managers are a key piece in reducing burnout.

They can make or break the work experience. Great managers should treat all employees fairly and not discriminate based on race, gender, or sexual orientation. They should give employees a manageable workload. This helps the employees and helps ensure the company is producing high-quality work. 

Great managers should communicate clearly and effectively by addressing employee expectations and responsibilities. Managers should also be supportive and, if possible, provide flexibility to employees. 

2. Prioritize Employee Wellbeing

Support your employees by helping them achieve the five elements of wellbeing: a fulfilling career, good physical health, supportive and loving social networks, a safe community, and a secure financial situation.

For example, foster positive social networks within the workplace through team projects and team-building activities. 

Burnout within the workplace is an increasingly serious problem. Luckily, there are actions you can take to alleviate workplace-induced burnout. 

Friday, March 11, 2022

Launch Your New Product or Service Easily With These Tips

It’s an exciting time. You have a new product or service, and you want to let the world know.

Here are some tips to help you succeed.

Do Your Market Research

The best way to start is to do some market research.

A great way to do this is to call 10 or 15 of your current customers and ask them what types of issues they have had regarding what you offer. Ask specifics so you know how you could potentially solve the problem.

Your research should show you what motivates your customers, which should help you address that issue.

Define Your Positioning Statement

What’s your positioning statement?

Writing this should help you figure out just what you’re planning on offering customers. It will tell why you are the best place for them to receive help and why your product is the best. Flush it out so you know exactly why people should go to you over the competition.

After creating your positioning statement, it’s time to present it to stakeholders. Take time to explain your statement to managers, product developers, and others who might be able to offer some criticism. If they like what you have to say, you’re more likely to receive a warm welcome from customers. And if they have suggestions, welcome them and take them to heart to hone your marketing efforts.

Get Your Message Out

Think about how you will use the media to get your message out.

Create a buzz about your product or service. Include different media types, including press releases, ads, advertorials, and other media-related promotions.

Make sure you know how to write a press release, and don’t be afraid to reach out to journalists to tell them your story. Just remember it needs to be a story, not an advertisement.

Remember, you only get one chance to start the buzz and create something for people to talk about. So, get as much attention as possible.

Get Your Team Up to Speed

Be sure to assign roles to your staff, so they know what they are responsible for during the launch.

This will ensure a smooth transition into the new product or service and make sure no one is doubling up on a job, which can slow progress.

Consider Your Timing

Choose the right day for the launch.

Is your product or service weather-oriented or seasonal? Make sure you launch it at the opportune time so that people can welcome it immediately. During this time, make sure that stakeholders know what you are doing. Keep them in the loop so they can support you.

Reflect and Learn

After the launch, be sure to evaluate it.

Did you get the results you were hoping for? Did you increase awareness? Were there things you should have done differently? If so, be sure to note it for the next product launch.

Being organized in your product launch is vital, as is communication. We are here for you to update letterhead, create a new logo or direct mail campaigns, and more. Reach out to us today!

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

How to Use the 40-40-20 Rule of Direct Marketing

The 40-40-20 rule of direct mail marketing breaks up marketing into three parts to help you predict and evaluate the success of your direct marketing campaign. 

According to Investopedia, direct marketing is any marketing that uses direct communication or distribution to customers through mediums such as mail, email, social media, and texting.

The success of your direct mail marketing is:

  • 40% dependent on your audience,

  • 40% dependent on your offer, and

  • 20% on everything else.

Let’s break it down and look at each one individually.

Direct Mail Marketing: Audience

You’re not going to get very far in your direct mail marketing campaign if you’re reaching the wrong people. Money spent on advertising to the wrong audience is wasted money. This is why reaching the right audience constitutes 40% of your direct mail marketing success. 

The right audience must be within your target market. The more precise you can make your target audience, the more effective your direct mail marketing campaign will be because the marketing will be more personalized. For greater personalization and success, go beyond surface-level characteristics. 

Build up a well-defined mailing list. Include people on the list who have bought similar products through similar methods. Keep records of who has bought from you in the past and how they did it. Target those who have bought similar products because of a previous direct mail marketing campaign. These people have a proven desire to buy your products. 

Direct Mail Marketing: Offer

The offer includes the product itself and incentives to get the customer to buy it now. It constitutes 40% of your direct mail marketing campaign success. 

First and foremost, the product must be something your audience actually wants. It’s going to be challenging to sell an unwanted product. Before releasing products, test them out with customers to see if there’s interest. 

Next, the offer within your direct mail marketing campaign must be good enough to incentivize your audience to buy now. Try out the following tips: 

  • Create FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out): if you can get the customer to feel as if by not buying your product, they’re missing out, you have effectively created tension and pressure within your customer to purchase the product.

  • Create urgency. If the customer doesn’t feel the need to buy now, they might never get around to it. But, letting the customer know that the offer is only for a limited time or until supplies last creates a sense of urgency to buy now, which translates into more sales.

  • Provide safety. People, in general, are incredibly risk-averse. Don’t let people’s fear of loss hurt your marketing campaign. For example, offer a 100% money-back guarantee offers. 

Direct Mail Marketing: Everything Else

20% of the success of your direct mail marketing campaign relies on everything else. This includes the copy (written material), design, and format. Advertisers often put most of their time and energy here when creating an ad campaign. But, usually, when an ad falls through, it is because of the audience or the offer. However, that’s not to say this step is not important.

Copywriters should connect with and compel the reader by identifying the customer’s pain points, frustrations, and hopes. They should effectively convince the reader why this product will work for them. The copywriters should work with the designers, whose primary goal is to get the material read. 

The 40-40-20 rule of direct marketing will help you create more effective direct mail marketing campaigns.

Friday, March 4, 2022

8 Print Marketing Pieces Every Business Needs

It is nice to have an endless budget for marketing; however, most of us don’t have that luxury.

But a business needs to have at least eight printed marketing pieces to be successful and leave its mark.

Whether you are new to business or have tired marketing materials, now’s the chance to freshen up. Here are eight must-haves when it comes to representing your business well.

1. Business Cards

Create a unique business card that not only contains all your necessary information but that represents the unique business you are.

Try using unusual shapes, foil, bold colors, and images. Don’t let it get too busy so that there’s no white space. It needs to be well balanced. Ask us for tips if you’re unsure or have it professionally designed.

2. Brochures

Your business card is the teaser for what you offer, but your brochure is where you can shine.

You can add more detailed information as to what type of business you are and what you offer. Here’s where you lay it out. Include detailed pictures of your products or services, along with an excellent description of what your company provides.

3. Flyers

Create some excitement for your offerings.

Include a large graphic or picture to draw people in and create some questions. Then you can hand them a brochure to explain it more in detail, and you can go through it with them for added impact.

4. Folders

You will want a way to package your marketing materials, and a custom folder is where it’s at.

Have your logo printed on it, along with some die cuts for you to include your business card tucked inside. This is like your shiny new suit; it represents who you are as a business person. That’s why you want quality and up-to-date design.

5. Letterhead

Every business needs high-quality letterhead to include quotes, correspondence, and business details.

This sounds like a no-brainer, but an inkjet printer won’t do. It needs to be professionally printed to show off your commitment to quality.

6. Logo

A logo is so important, and many people don’t give it enough credit.

A well-designed logo will look good on just about anything. Use it on merchandise give-aways, such as tote bags, mugs, koozies, and more.

Your logo ties your marketing together. You can use it on your letterhead, folders, flyers, brochures, business cards, and your website. Don’t skimp here. Have a professional design it for you, along with your input.

7. Banners

How will people get excited about your business if they don’t know you are open or that you have something exciting going on?

A beautifully designed and printed banner will announce that you have new items or that you are having a sale or even a grand opening.

8. Postcards

One more step to getting the word out and creating repeat business is to use gorgeous postcards that have been custom printed.

A postcard is easy to read and hard to ignore in a pile of mail. Use them to thank your customers for coming in, or send out an announcement of a new product or service you offer.

Every business deserves to be celebrated with high-quality printed products. This is not where you want to cut corners.

These eight items are important in getting a business off the ground or re-inventing your business. It’s never too late to do this and announce that you’re the one to do business with because of your commitment to quality. We offer all these items and more to help you get ahead of the competition. Visit our product list to learn more!

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

How to Become a Great Leader

Great leaders motivate employees to be productive to reach personal and shared goals.

They increase employee happiness, engagement, and retention. Great leaders lead to company success by growing sales and profits. Leaders are not born but made through hard work and experience. Find out how you can become a better leader. 

Focus on your strengths 

Not all leaders look the same. That's why it's essential to focus on the strengths that make you unique.

Be yourself.

After all, you are the best version of yourself, but you can only be the second-best version of someone else. If you're not sure what your strengths are, do some reflection. Seek feedback from your employees. When finding your strengths, also pinpoint your weaknesses. Doing so will allow you to improve and ask for help when needed. 

Develop your emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage the emotions of yourself and others effectively. This is a valuable skill, especially during hard times. It helps bring stability. 

Provide constructive criticism to your team 

This may generate difficult conversations. But, although it can be difficult, constructive criticism is ultimately beneficial. Usually, your employees want to improve. Plus, the better your employees are, the better off the business will be. 

Become a level 5 leader 

Business consultant, Jim Collins, published his research about great businesses in his popular book "Good to Great."

He identified businesses that had what he termed level 5 leaders. These leaders held traits within all five levels of leadership. 

  • Level 1: a highly capable leader who is knowledgeable, talented, and skillful.

  • Level 2: a leader who works well with others to generate a successful team.

  • Level 3: a leader who can organize people to effectively achieve goals.

  • Level 4: a leader who is able to meet performance goals.

  • Level 5: a leader who has all abilities within the other four levels, along with humility and will. They ask for help, take responsibility, and hire great employees. They are disciplined and passionate. 

Resources to improve your leadership skills

Luckily, many free programs are available to help you develop your leadership skills. 

Master Class Management provides free management and leadership skills training courses online.

It's good for both new and experienced managers. You can learn at your own pace and convenience. They offer a 'Management Training and Leadership Skills Course.'

Coursera is a free online learning platform that provides courses from leading universities.

Some classes on leadership include 'Leadership' from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 'Organizational Leadership' from Northwestern University, 'Leading People and Teams' from the University of Michigan, and much more. 

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) also offers free courses on leadership.

They offer a two-year course called 'Organizational Leadership and Change' and a one-week introduction to leadership course called 'Building and Leading Effective Teams.'

Alison offers thousands of free online courses.

Their leadership courses include 'Transformational Leadership,' 'Classical Leadership and Decision-making,' and 'The Essentials of Leadership for Career Development.'

Becoming a better leader takes hard work, but it will be worth it in the end. Both your employees and your business will benefit.